Faça você também Que gênio-louco é você? Uma criação de o/'>http://www.abyssinia.blogspot.com">O Mundo Insano da Abyssinia
Dia 30 chego ao Porto, as 9 da matina!!! :D ai carago, canudo e afins!
Ainda nao tenho regresso, mas deve ser la para dia 5 ou 6.... se entretanto nao me despedirem...
Agora preciso de um reveillon decente! em honra ah promessa feita com a Pacuxa, muitos aninhos atras!!!
Your Personality Is |
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals. You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings. You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships. In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily. At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career. With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone. As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style. On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
You Are Grape |
![]() You are bold and a true individual. You are very different and very okay with that. People know you as a straight shooter. You're very honest, even when the truth hurts. You are also very grounded and practical. No one is going to sneak anything by you. People enjoy your fresh approach to life. And it's this honesty that makes you a very innovative person. |
You Are 46% Evil |
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Andrew Mathas' interpretation of Lukin by Pearl Jam. Visit mathas.manburger.net for updates! |
Ando numa onda muito próxima desta (linda) música.... A minha árvore é que me tem aguentado, e às vezes lá me dá um abanão... necessário, para não me embrenhar com ela numa floresta muito densa.... Ainda bem que a vista da minha árvore é boa... Mas melhor é fazer parte dessa vista, pisar bem o chão, e saborear os frutos que vão caindo... Eles ficam bem na árvore, e agradeço muito a sua companhia e sábios conselhos... Mas na minha boca fazem muito mais sentido... Não me deixem passar muito tempo na minha árvore... A paisagem aí em baixo inunda-me de voyeurismo (e pelos vistos de estrangeirismos também!), deixa-me quase inerte... e às vezes não há força para auto-empurrões.... Em honra à descida da árvore, aqui fica: Up here in my tree, yeah Newspapers matter not to me, yeah No more crowbars to my head, yeah I'm tradin' stories with the leaves instead, yeah Wave to all my friends, yeah They don't seem to notice me, no All their eyes trained on the street, yo, oh Sidewalk, Cigarettes, and seen the tempted It's up here so high I start to mistake Up here so high in the sky, i scrape I'm so high I hold just one breath A deep breath in my chest ...Just like innocence I remember when, yeah Swore I blew everything away, yeah Let's say knowledge is a tree, yeah It's growin' up just like me, and yeah I'm so light, the wind he shakes I'm so high up in the sky, I scrape, yeah I'm so high I hold just one breath To go back to my nest...sleeping innocence Up here so high the boughs may break Up here so high in the sky I sway And my eyes peeled both wide open And I got a glimpse of my innocence Got back my innocence... Really got it... Still got it |
É que vou a Inglaterra em Abril.... ...Mas sou tão cocó que ainda nem comecei a tratar de nada.... hmmmmph! |